IPL Photofacials are a non-invasive treatment that use Intense Pulses of Light (IPL) to treat and repair a variety of skin issues.
IPL Photofacials can improve the look of sun damage, redness, rosacea, and age spots with little to no downtime.
IPL Photofacials are an excellent choice for clients who want to improve the look of discolouration of the skin without invasive treatments.
With IPL we can also target vessel malformations such as angiomas, superficial red capillaries, darker purple vessels and Poikiloderma
After 1 Treatments
After 2 Treatments
After 3 Treatments

+ - How does IPL photo rejuvenation work?
Intense pulsed light (IPL) emits a scattered ray of light from a high energy source. Photo Rejuvenation works by applying rapid light pulses to the treatment area. The light is then absorbed and converted into heat energy which destroys the targeted area.
The light is absorbed by the water in the skin, causing mild evaporation, stimulating wound healing, leaving the surrounding healthy tissue untouched.
20 - 30 minute treatment with minimum of 6 - 8 sessions scheduled 4 - 8 weeks apart depending on your treatment area and skin type.
Book in to consult with one of our physicians to discuss your treatment plan.
Usually a course of 6 – 8 treatments is required to achieve optimal result, but once you've completed your treatment cycle, you can look forward to a lifetime of smooth skin with only the occasional maintenance treatment.
+ - What does it feel like? Is there any downtime?
You will feel a hot sensation throughout the treatment but it is not painful. Your clinician will take care to ensure your experience is as comfortable as possible.
+ - When will i see changes?
You begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment. Positive results are usually reported 2-3 days after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatments.
We ask all our patient not to only use gentle exfoliators during the weeks following this process, and let the skin heal on its own.
+ - Is it safe?
Most importantly at NovMed Aesthetics Studio our IPL and laser Machine is used by trained Doctors and Nurses only.
No procedure is entirely without risk, but the potential side effects of correctly used IPL hair removal treatments are minimal. They include minor redness and skin irritation or infection. For each patient we patch test treatment area to ensure your skin will tolerate the treatment during your first consult.
+ - Pre-Treatment Information
4 Weeks Before, In Between and 4 Weeks After Treatment:
No Sun, Solarium or Fake Tan.
2 Weeks Before, In Between and 2 Weeks After Treatment:
No Prescription Strength Exfoliant Creams (Retin A and Alpha Hydroxy).
1 Weeks Before, In Between and 1 Weeks After Treatment:
No Plucking, Waxing, Depilatory Creams or Electrolysis. Immediately After Treatment No Active Cosmetics (AHA/BHA’s, Vitamin A & C and Physical Exfoliants)
No Swimming Pools, Spas or Saunas.
No Exercise or Activities that Cause Excessive perspiration.
After 1 Treatments
After 1 Treatments
After 1 Treatments